Diversity advertising. In anybody's language, it's usually crap.
The problem, of course, is finding an execution - particularly a visual execution - that isn't predictable, patronising or already done to death. Most attempts to portray organisational commitment to diversity choose to use group shots: one male, one female, one Afro-Caribbean, one with a skull-cap/wheelchair/Judy Garland album. If it ever did work, it ain't working now.
The US ad blogs enjoy finding the worst offenders. You can find some of these being intelligently disparaged at multicultclassics. If you have any truly deplorable examples of your own, I'd like to see them - perhaps we can hold a ceremony in which we celebrate the truly di-verse-abolical. (The Di-Worse-ity Awards, anyone?)
Anyway, to get the creative juices flowing for your next diversity brief, I've found some online that aren't entirely rubbish. I'm not saying they're brilliant, but the puke factors are relatively low.
Try this internal poster from the IT department at Penn State University:
Or this web banner from US law firm Bingham:
And this pleasantly objectionable explosion in a fairy tale factory from the Association of American Advertising Agencies:
On second thoughts, that last one has put me right off my tea.