Just came across this fella for the Swedish Armed Forces. It was made by DDB Stockholm and it's a funny little thing.
It follows the standard procedure for all armed services/police/intelligence recruitment by setting 'tests' intended to indicate your suitability for the services. (Precisely what roles are on offer - Field Marshall? Spudbasher? - are unclear.) Obviously, standard procedure dictates that the 'tests' aren't actual tests but merely games to give some idea of the desired competencies, attract people virally and generally add engagement to otherwise dry proceedings.
So if you want to defend the country of IKEA, sauna and Ulrika, what's the drill? For a start, you need to listen to some dour martinet barking instructions at you, seemingly through a bucket. (Sometimes he takes the bucket off and whispers at you, just to throw your concentration. They're snidey like that, the Swedes.) You never actually see him, just hear his instructions, making him the only Non-Corporeal in the Swedish army. (Ta-da.)
You have to complete some reasonably challenging tasks that concern multi-tasking, memory, concentration and something else. (Can't remember what; I stopped concentrating.) All in all, an intriguing mix of the Krypton Factor, Asteroids and Simon. Goes on far too long which should be a lesson for us all - unless they're also secretly testing perseverance, and just not telling us. Which would also be snidey.
Anyway, Swedes are the theme of the week. This job board, which was reviewed on Cheezhead, has some pretty ambitious objectives, if a less than ambitious budget for design. But I can't quite work out if it's charming, or just tiresomely try-hard in an Innocent type way.